Instant information access for service engineers





An expanding IT company had seen a significant increase in the number on-site support calls, leading to a decrease in customer satisfaction. The company hired new staff, but needed them to be trained quickly to become effective.

Implementing knowledge.engine trained on technical, product, and company information, new service engineers had instant access to all the relevant documentation and information from previous support calls. New engineers can now resolve queries quickly and effectively, increasing the company’s support capacity and their customer satisfaction.

One of the primary benefits of using knowledge.engine is its ability to provide consistent, high-quality answers from verified information. By training the AI on technical, product, and company documentation, as well as information from previous support calls, the company ensures that all responses are accurate and reliable. This consistency maintains high standards of customer service, eliminating variability in responses from different engineers. Customers receive clear, precise answers, boosting their confidence in the support team and increasing satisfaction levels.

Knowledge.engine also adapts to the user's language and communication style. Whether the engineer needs a technical explanation or a straightforward response – in any one of over 50 languages – the AI adjusts its language accordingly. The AI's ability to support multiple languages makes it invaluable for a diverse employee base, breaking down language barriers.

Implementing knowledge.engine significantly accelerates the onboarding process for new service engineers. With instant access to relevant documentation and historical support data, new hires quickly become effective team members. This rapid training increases the company's support capacity and reduces time and resources spent on extensive training programs. As a result, the company can scale operations more efficiently, meeting growing demand without compromising service quality. By empowering new engineers with essential tools, knowledge.engine enhances both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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