Heating suppliers





Hyrax is a specialist heating company delivering thermodynamic heat pumps for commercial and residential properties. They were struggling to explain the features and benefits of their products and services to non-technical customers.

Training knowledge.engine on the technical product and sales documentation, documentation from partner organisations, and planning regulation information, Hryax launched EcoPlanAdvisor which answers any potential customer questions in language they understand. It then prompts the customer to get in touch, increasing lead conversions from the website.

One of the standout features of EcoPlanAdvisor is its ability to tailor the tone of responses based on the customer's preferences and the context of the enquiry. This means that whether a customer prefers a more formal, technical explanation or a casual, easy-to-understand conversation, EcoPlanAdvisor can adapt accordingly. This customisation not only enhances the customer experience but also builds trust and rapport, making potential clients more comfortable and confident in their interactions with Hyrax. By controlling the tone, Hyrax can ensure that each customer feels heard and valued, which is crucial for building trust.

Moreover, EcoPlanAdvisor serves as a powerful tool for informing customers and making a compelling case for sales. By leveraging its extensive knowledge base, the AI can provide good explanations of the benefits and features of thermodynamic heat pumps, tailored to the specific needs and concerns of each customer. This personalised approach helps demystify complex technical information, making it accessible and relevant. Additionally, EcoPlanAdvisor can highlight the sustainable aspects of Hyrax's products, promoting eco-friendly choices. By emphasising the environmental benefits and potential cost savings of thermodynamic heat pumps, the AI not only supports Hyrax's sales objectives but also encourages customers to make decisions that are good for the planet. This alignment of business goals with sustainability initiatives further enhances Hyrax's brand reputation and appeal in an increasingly eco-conscious market.

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