Help processing university admissions





University admission teams are swamped in August for obvious reasons. Many universities hire in temporary staff to help with the workload. But those staff aren’t necessarily trained experts on admissions policies and often rely on the website information that students can look at.

Using education.engine trained on admissions policy and up-to-date course information, staff can quickly and easily answer any questions that potential students may have. That means they place more students quickly, resulting in more revenue for the university.

By integrating the Private GPT generative AI solution, universities can ensure that every query, no matter how unusual or complex, is addressed with precision and consistency. This system pulls from a vast database of up-to-date course information and admissions policies, providing accurate responses in real time. Staff can handle a higher volume of inquiries without compromising the quality of information, helping maintain the institution's reputation and improve their capability to best fit students to courses.

Moreover, the intuitive interface of the AI solution means that even temporary staff with minimal training can use it effectively, in multiple languages. This reduces onboarding time and allows new hires to be productive almost immediately. The AI's ability to stay current with changes in course offerings or admissions criteria makes it an indispensable tool for managing the hectic admissions period efficiently. This improves the experience for prospective students and maximises the university's ability to convert inquiries into enrolments, ultimately boosting income.

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