Sporting organisation: AI to promote inclusion





A large and well-respected sporting organisation wanted to increase participation of ethnic minorities in its sport through an extensive diversity and inclusion programme.

Using policy.engine trained on their guidance and reports, people can now ask any questions of the programme in any of up to 50 languages, any time and on any device. This greatly increases the accessibility of information about the programme, increasing engagement and participation.

One of the significant benefits of using policy.engine in this way is its ability to create a compelling hook for communications and create an opportunity to demonstrate a really positive use case for Gen AI. By providing clear, concise, and engaging responses, the AI can capture the attention of potential participants and stakeholders from the very first interaction. This initial hook is crucial for sparking interest and encouraging further engagement with the diversity and inclusion programme. The AI can highlight key aspects of the programme, such as success stories, upcoming events, and opportunities for involvement, making the communications not only informative but also inspiring and motivating.

Additionally, policy.engine makes access to information as inclusive as possible by being highly adaptive. With the capability to respond in up to 50 languages and across various devices, the AI ensures that no one is left out due to language barriers or technological limitations. This inclusivity is essential for reaching a diverse audience and making sure that everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to engage with the programme. By offering tailored responses that consider cultural nuances and individual needs, policy.engine fosters a welcoming environment that encourages participation from all corners of the community.

The benefits of using policy.engine can extend right through every level of the sport in this proof of concept project, from grassroots to senior management. At the grassroots level, the AI can support local clubs and organisations by providing easy access to information about the programme, helping them to implement inclusive practices and attract a more diverse group of participants. For senior management, policy.engine offers valuable insights and data that can inform strategic decisions and policy development. By ensuring that diversity and inclusion are prioritised at every level, the sporting organisation can make a meaningful difference, creating a more inclusive and representative environment that benefits everyone involved. This holistic approach not only enhances the organisation's reputation but also contributes to the overall growth and success of the sport.

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