Coram: Innovation hub





Coram is the UK’s oldest operational children’s charity. They are best known for delivering adoption and fostering services in the UK and internationally. They wanted to make it easier for people to explore their wealth of experience and best practice guidance, which they have built up from years of investment and research in social care.

Their new Innovation Playbook uses our knowledge.engine to enable frontline staff, service leaders and the wider public find key information quickly and easily. They no longer have to rely on people hearing the right thing at a conference then remembering it accurately when they need it later.

For families, professionals and senior leaders, having evidence-informed practice is the key to helping keep the most vulnerable children and young people safe as well as improve their chances to succeed and thrive in an increasingly complex world. 

The reality of frontline social work means reacting in real time and dealing with high caseloads; keeping up with research, networking and attending conferences can feel like a luxury. When you make the time for CPD, it’s not always easy to find the information you need to refer back to at the moment you need it.

The Innovation Playbook gives free, always-on access to Coram’s verified information; unlocking best practice information however short you are on time. We are proud to be working in a long-term partnership with Coram-i, the charity’s home for innovation in children’s services.

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